A new project to encourage older people to reconnect with their memories of the golden age of Bollywood cinema has been launched in Glasgow. 

Screen Memories, known for its work with people living with dementia, has joined Age Scotland, the national charity for older people, for the initiative.

The Bollywood Screen Memories project was launched at the Shanti Bhavan Social and Cultural Centre on April 25.

Screen Memories, which is run by volunteers, has used cinema and TV as a platform for elderly people to share their mutual interest in films, creating a stimulating and engaging group environment.

Rohini Sharma Joshi OBE, diversity and inclusion manager at Age Scotland, said: "Through our Scottish Ethnic Minority Older People Forum, we are always keen to develop partnerships that are inclusive to and support the wellbeing of ethnic minority older people’s groups across Scotland.

“For many ethnic minority older people, Bollywood was and remains a huge part of their lives – especially as there is now the option to watch both older and newer movies on streaming services and specialist TV channels.

“By focusing on Bollywood movies from the 50s, 60s and 70s, we hope this project will offer people the chance to connect with others and reminisce about their memories attached to particular films and the iconic songs and dances they feature.”

Michael White, trustee at Screen Memories, said the charity's work has primarily focused on film experiences in the English language,

He added: "Our aim is to extend film reminiscence to other audiences, and we were delighted when Rohini agreed to develop Bollywood cinema as part of this exciting new partnership."