A POPULAR chippy in Giffnock has been praised for its recent success at an industry award ceremony.

East Renfrewshire’s MP Kirsten Oswald presented Mario’s Fish and Chip shop in the town with an Early Day Motion which she tabled at Westminster following it being crowned the Fish and Chip Shop of the Year at the first-ever Scottish Chippy Awards.

The award adds to the eatery’s impressive record of achievements, including winning the Best Fish and Chips in Glasgow at the Scottish Italian Awards in 2018.

Kirsten Oswald MP said: “I was delighted to learn that Mario’s fish and chip shop had been named the overall Fish and Chip Shop of the Year at the Scottish Chippy Awards.

“Founded over 30 years ago, Mario’s is no stranger to awards, having been voted the Best Fish and Chips in Glasgow at the Scottish Italian Awards in 2018.

“It was great to visit Mario’s to present the Early Day Motion I tabled at Westminster marking their success and to hear about their fundraising on behalf of the Catherine McEwan Foundation.

“In East Renfrewshire, we are lucky to have so many fantastic businesses, and we should support them at every opportunity.”