GLASGOW City Mission has been helping people in the city for almost 200 years. As long there is a need, it has been there to help and continues to do so.

The City Mission runs the Winter Night Shelter in the premises of the Lodging House Mission, a separate faith based organisation with similar aims.

Glasgow City Mission has its own premises in the city centre in Crimea Street where it offers a whole range of support services.

On homelessness, as well as the night shelter from December to March, it offers a drop-in evening service with a two course meal, which may be the first time someone come to the centre.

The organisation and premises is designed to help people at different stages and to see a progression.

READ MORE: Inside Glasgow’s Winter Night Shelter keeping people alive this Christmas

Jack Geddes, spokesman for Glasgow City Mission, said: “People are thinking about homelessness more at Christmas and people want to help. It is heightened at this time of year. We are thinking about this every day.”

There are various organisations offering food at different times, from the organisations like Marie Trust and Lodging House Mission to the long running soup kitchen in Cadogan Street and the newer volunteer groups setting up tables in the city centre.

He added: “If you know where to go there is no need to be hungry in Glasgow.”

The City Mission helps with life skills and has English classes, budgeting, cooking and literacy and numeracy classes.

READ MORE: Why Lodging House Mission has been helping people in Glasgow for more than 100 years

Govan Law Centre also come in every week to help with housing legal issues.

It also works with City of Glasgow College to help people into learning and work towards SVQ modules and has a number of computers in the learning- room.

The City Mission highlight a recent case of a man helped recover from problems.

Stuart had experiences homelessness, addiction and been in prison and now has a home and a job at the night shelter.

Stuart said: “I left rehab just over eight months ago. I was homeless and no prospects. Glasgow City Mission took a chance on me and let me volunteer.”

“I love it. Someone gave me that chance and I can give that to them and a bit of hope. I will get 21 hours paid work and my SVQ level 3. I’ve got my own tenancy for the first time in 42 years. Everything is going well.”