BAFFLED Glaswegians have hit out after dozens of people queued for the Boxing Day sale at popular bath bomb retailer Lush.

The Buchanan Street store opened at 9 am yesterday with a queue forming right along the famous style mile.

Eevie Jenkins said: "Sad sad lives people must lead to be that desperate for a bath bomb. Unbelievable."

Alison Downie added: "It's pure greed, surely they could wait till the 27th. I'm working today and we don't sell anything that you could be so desperate for."

Paul Stewart said: "Seriously? Why are folk queuing for bath bombs."

Others took to Twitter

Lucy Barclay, however, defended those in the queue.

She said: " I was queuing there this morning, all the Christmas gift sets are half price so it’s not just 'saving a fiver'.

"So don’t shame people for wanting a good deal. I work in retail and have to work later today but if you take a job in retail you know that’s to be expected so don’t moan about it."