WORKERS at Glasgow City Council should be given two bank holidays at the start of May next year, a Labour councillor believes.

The UK and Scottish Governments have approved a change to the early May bank holiday in 2020 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day.

Friday, May 8 will be a bank holiday instead of Monday, May 4, as the UK marks three quarters of a century since the Allies formally accepted Germany’s surrender in the Second World War.

However, North Ayrshire Council has agreed to give an additional annual leave day so staff can have both days off.

And Glasgow Labour councillor Martin McElroy, left, said: “If North Ayrshire can do it, why not Glasgow? I think it’s right that we should be marking the 75th anniversary of VE Day, but this should be in addition to May Day and not at its expense.

“May Day is recognised throughout the world as a holiday because it is International Workers Day.

“Respecting this date would be a positive move for any employer and I would urge Glasgow City Council to do the same.

“Local government workers have borne the brunt of 10 years of austerity from the Scottish and UK Governments. Let’s give something back to these people who work hard everyday.”

Trade union representatives had highlighted concerns around swapping the public holiday to North Ayrshire Council due to May Day representing International Workers day.

A Glasgow City Council spokesman said: “The council’s intended approach is consistent with that taken by both the Scottish and UK Governments and preserves a holiday in early May, while allowing staff to mark VE day if they so wish.

“There was cross-party support for this position when it was discussed at the council’s Business Bureau earlier this year.”