A private hire driver who attempted to assault a man with a “baseball bat” has been granted a new licence to work in the city.

Joseph Kinloch had a bid to renew his licence rejected last year – but has now been handed a new one despite an objection by Police Scotland.

Mr Kinloch told councillors he had attempted to attack his “sister’s tormentor” with a “baton” during an incident in September 2019.

He said he had recently received bad news about his mother’s health which gives “an idea of the frame of mind I was in”.

Licensing chiefs voted four to two in favour of granting the applicant a restricted one-year licence. They also issued a “severe warning”.

Police Scotland had argued he was “not a fit and proper person” due to the incident where he “did assault a named witness and did repeatedly attempt to strike him with a baseball bat to the body”.

Mr Kinloch was ordered to carry out 90 hours of community service following the conviction.

He told the committee that he was driving down a street when he “saw walking up the street with his new girlfriend, my sister’s tormentor”.

“A man who had given her a slap, a man who was texting her and threatening her,” he added.

The applicant said he pulled over and took out the baton, disputing the police report that it was a “baseball bat”.  Mr Kinloch said he “did attempt to attack him but as you see what the charge says it is attempted to strike with a baseball bat”. He added: “I didn’t hit her, I didn’t assault her. That makes me as bad as he is.”

He added he intended to plead not guilty but “made the mistake of listening to my lawyer” who said “if I plead guilty I would get the minimum”.

Cllr Alex Wilson, SNP, who chairs the licensing committee, said: “Ultimately you were convicted, there’s no doubt about that. You are saying you took the wrong advice from your solicitor and plead guilty.

“If I felt I wasn’t guilty of something, there is absolutely no way I would say I was guilty of anything. Regardless of what any lawyer tells me.”

Mr Kinloch replied: “In many ways I was still guilty as I did attempt to.”

Cllr Wilson said the incident had been “premeditated”. “You didn’t just happen to have that bat sitting beside you, you went into your boot, you removed the item, you still attempted to assault.”

He added: “I’m not here to defend the other person, and I think violence against any woman is absolutely abhorrent. What I will say is that you still went into the boot of your car, you received an item and you attempted to assault someone, giving your own form of retribution.”

Mr Kinloch told the committee: “This is an incident from five years ago. I never stepped out of line previously and I haven’t stepped out of line since. I would appreciate your honours taking that into account.”

Cllr Wilson, backed by Bailie Leodhas Massie, Greens, suggested the application should be refused, but Cllr Eunis Jassemi, Labour, and Cllr Sean Ferguson, SNP, moved to grant the licence. It passed by four votes to two.