A college in Paisley and The Prince’s Trust Scotland have launched a new programme for students to explore potential career paths.

The collaboration with West College Scotland will equip students with experiences in engineering, manufacturing, and electrical work, helping them gain valuable skills.

The collaboration comprises three programmes devised to engage and empower young people.

The School-to-College Transition programme offers students from Park Mains High School practical electrical experience, preparing them for prospective career opportunities.

The 'Get Into' Placement programme provides real-world experience in the electrical industry and a promising prospect of securing apprenticeships.

Additionally, the Engineering and Manufacturing Career Pathway Partnership gives students a taster of the engineering and manufacturing sectors through mentoring and practical experiences in partnership with NMIS.

West College Scotland supports The Prince’s Trust Schools Transition Programme which concentrates on personal and social development, offering practical advice and skills to young people unsure of their next steps after education.

William Burgoyne Jnr, curriculum quality leader at West, said: "We are thrilled to partner with The Princes Trust to offer these transformative programmes to young people in our community.

"We aim to inspire and empower the next generation of engineers, manufacturers, and skilled professionals, ensuring a brighter future for all."

Kara Mearns, partnership development manager at The Prince’s Trust, said: “The Prince’s Trust is delighted to be able to continue our partnership with West College Scotland, which has provided skills development opportunities for young people in the region for 11 years now.

"We are proud of what our partnership has already achieved and are excited to be able to support young people gain valuable skills with this latest programme."